Nervous about Flu Shots: Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System


The fall season is finally upon us, which means the flu season is, too. Everywhere you turn, pharmacies and doctors’ offices alike will try to convince you to get the flu shot. While the shot works for some, it can cause unwanted side effects. If you are looking for alternative ways to naturally boost your immune system to ward off sickness and stay healthy throughout the cooler weather.

The Truth Behind the Flu Shot

The CDC produced a study which revealed that the flu shot was only 40-60% percent effective in all age groups. Not only does the flu shot only work half of the time, but there are also some serious, negative consequences that can be associated with the vaccine. In the most extreme cases, death and disability have occurred as a direct result of receiving the flu shot. What many do not realize is that there are ways to naturally boost your immune system, which can allow you to avoid getting the flu shot.

Naturally Boost Your Immune System
with Vitamin D and Beta-Glucans

Having enough vitamin D in your body is crucial to the support of the immune system. Vitamin D has a direct, immune-modulating effect on your body’s immune cells, CD8 T-cells. Aside from consuming vitamin D, it can actually be absorbed through your body via the sun as well.

Do you ever wonder why the flu and colds are so prominent in the winter months? It is because there is less sunlight. Also, most people do not get regular exposure to the sun if they work indoors. This is especially true for those who live in the northern region of the United States, due to the fact that there is not as much sunlight. Because of this reason, most people fall extremely short of gaining the healthy, optimal level of vitamin D: 50 to 70 ng/ml.

Vitamin D has been shown to support immune-modulation, and it is thought that supplementation promotes immune health by promoting the body’s normal regulation of T-cell function. In reference to cellular health, vitamin D supports the modulation of many genes that are responsible for encoding proteins that regulate normal cell cycle activity. Vitamin D levels have been strongly correlated to healthy cells. Lastly, through its interaction with VDR (vitamin D receptor), vitamin D supports the healthy expression of the gene encoding renin, thus helping to maintain healthy blood pressure.
So, as you can see, there are multiple reasons why increasing your vitamin D intake can help you boost your immune and improve your overall wellness.

For the last 30 years, beta-glucans derived from proprietary strains of yeast and certain mushrooms have also been studied. It was discovered that they, too, can help boost your body’s immune function. Beta-glucans are sugars that can promote beneficial activity of macrophages, T cells and natural killer-cells, which engulf and destroy pathogens and foreign matter. This can encourage the strengthening of a weakened immune.  

Wellmune WGP ® is a natural yeast beta glucan derived from a proprietary strain of yeast,Wellmune supports the activity of the neutrophils and prime them for their normal activity in the body, including promoting immune health. It also supports the activity of phagocytic cells, which engulf and destroy foreign bodies, thus promoting immune health. Clinical studies have shown that Wellmune promotes a healthy immune system. The molecular structure of Wellmune WGP, with its beta 1,3/1,6 branch points, is responsible for its unique biological activity.

Supporting Healthy Immune Supplements: What’s in Dr. Sheryl’s Cabinet?

If you are concerned about the risks associated with the flu shot want to use a more natural approach consider these supplements that I have in my cabinet, which can help naturally boost your immune system.


nutraMetrix Isotonix® Immune
This patented, natural yeast beta-glucan supplement can help increase immune function and promote the activities phagocytic cells which engulf and destroy foreign bodies, thus promoting immune health.

Immune: nutraMetrix Isotonix® Vitamin D with K2

Combining the powers of vitamin D, K2 and D3, this particular vitamin supplement is able to support immune system health and help restore the normal absorption of calcium. I choose this particular product because of the special isotonic delivery system, and its ability to get into the bloodstream quickly. Boosting the level of vitamin D to an optimal range can help your  immune system to do its job effectively.

Digestive: nutraMetrix® Ultimate Aloe®

Aloe juice is truly an amazing supplement, as it can support a strong immune system as well as provide digestive health. This product has been clinically tested, has three times more polymers than gel and 50 percent more active components—I wouldn’t use anything else.

If you want to discover more ways to help naturally boost your immune system? If so,

 Schedule a Wellness Consult through my website to learn more about naturopathic wellness.

By drsherylnd February 24, 2025
Metabolic Wellness: The Key to Energy, Mood, and Aging Gracefully
Bone and Joint Discomfort Xray
By Market America WebCenters January 26, 2021
There are 206 bones in the adult human body and 360 joints. Joints are the junctions that connect bones. Some joints are fibrous and don’t move; some are cartilaginous and move somewhat; and the movable joints, like elbows, knees, shoulders and vertebral, are known as synovial, due to the synovial fluid which serves as a lubricant, and cushion, of sorts, for ease of movement. As a body ages, the bones and joints can take a real beating, especially if you are an athlete, teacher, nurse, construction worker, parent, just about anything that requires a lot of standing, sitting, moving and laboring. Our skeletal system supports and protects every other bodily system. Age-To-Likelihood of Discomfort A statistic I find interesting shows a person’s age is directly proportional to the likelihood of bone and joint problems, regardless of profession or activity levels. I am over 60, for example. That would mean there is a 60% chance that I have issues with my bones and joints. If you’re 30 years-old, there is a 30% chance you experience issues, etc. Certain foods can contribute to joint pain and inflammation like; dairy products; sugars and refined carbohydrates; salt and preservatives; and oils like corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, and cottonseed. I always advise my clients to limit or eliminate these five groups of foods to help reduce inflammation in pain and joints. The problem is whether it’s your profession, your lifestyle, or your diet, the NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) you are prescribed and consuming to reduce pain and inflammation are causing more harm than good. Were you aware that NSAID’s are responsible for some cases of bleeding ulcers, permanently damaging kidneys, and even causing death? Other medications prescribed for the same malady can cause a host of additional side-effects and complications. As many as 30,000 people die each year due to medications. What’s more, medications, vitamins and supplements in tablet form are not fully absorbed by your body rendering them, essentially, ineffective. You are left with no real relief and any number of side-effects. Fortunately, the knowledge I have gained as a Naturopathic Doctor and Master Herbalist has helped me beat the odds and shattered the statistics! I know what it is like to suffer from joint pain as I personally have a herniated disc in my neck, which caused many limitations and chronic discomfort. When I discovered a product to support my bone and joint health , called Prime Joint Support Formula It made a huge difference in the quality of my life. This isotonic delivery system comes in powder form and mixes easily with water. Once consumed, osmosis causes it to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream within minutes of ingestion. There are no lingering pills being eliminated through the colon as can be seen on X-rays. This delivery system is the closest thing to IV therapy that I have found in my 20 plus years as a Naturopath. Prime Joint Support Formula has allowed me the freedom to move and participate in activities many people my age are unable to do. I have had clients report to their orthopedic doctors and surgeons the relief they’ve experienced from chronic joint pain and inflammation, with no known side-effects. But, you don’t have to take my word for it. Ever hear of an athlete named Scottie Pippen? He’s a six-time NBA champion, Hall-of-Famer, and two-time USA Olympic Gold Medalist. After a career spanning two decades battling big men in the lane and chasing field goals up and down basketball courts around the world, his bones and joints were screaming from the abuse. He was in search of a natural solution that would not just temporarily relieve the chronic discomfort but actually support the joint tissue itself. His orthopedic surgeons, who had performed as many as 14 surgeries on Scottie over the course of his career, approved his use of Prime Joint Support Formula , which features three key science based ingredients: Pycnogenol, Glucosamine, and Hyaluronic Acid. Pycnogenol: to cross-link collagen fibers and strengthen connective tissue proteins. Glucosamine: Is concentrated in joint cartilage and has been scientifically proven to support healthy joint function and promote the normal production of synovial fluid, which lubricates joints and regenerates cartilage. Hyaluronic Acid: Re-hydrates the synovial fluid which can diminish with age Since then, Scottie has served as spokesman for Prime Joint Support Formula, because he knows from experience how well it works. He attests, “It’s given me new life…Prime Joint Support Formula is really not a secret. This is what is keeping me young, keeping me going, keeping me feeling good, keeping me in the gym. It is allowing me to do everything I wanted to do when I retired: explore the world with my kids, travel, and not feel the brunt of the pain. It’s all been made possible by Prime Joint Support Formula.”
Scale with measuring tape
By Market America WebCenters June 23, 2017
Lose weight fast naturally with naturopathic solutions, transitoin lifestyle system, TLS
By Market America WebCenters May 16, 2017
One of the hottest, most contentious topics of conversation at the water cooler and broadcasts in the news is healthcare. Regardless of whether you are a proponent of the Affordable Healthcare Act, or you oppose it, one thing we all need to address is our own personal stake in our own health and wellness. The post The Perfect Time for Naturopathic Health and Wellness appeared first on Institute of Naturopathic Wellness.
Liver and Colon Cleanse
By Market America WebCenters May 2, 2017
Our liver and intestines are amazing organs that work to filter out these chemicals each day, but just like any filters, if they are not cleaned, they can become overloaded and ineffective at removing toxins from our bodies.
wellness coaching
By Market America WebCenters September 16, 2016
When you look at healthcare overall, I would say that we have done a fantastic job and critical care but have done a very poor job at teaching prevention and wellness. According to the Journal of American Medical Association, 290 people in United States are killed by prescription drugs every day. In fact, prescription drugs kill over 100,000 people each year in the United States. We really don’t have a healthcare system in this country. We have a disease management care system. Years of poor diet, stress, environmental toxins and overuse of medications has caused many unnecessary diseases like digestive disorders, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, adrenal fatigue, chronic headaches and arthritis, just to mention a few. To realize how bad this is, all you have to do is turn on your television and in a 30-minute period of time you might see is many as five to six ads on prescription drugs with multiple unwanted side effects. Many people are simply tired of only getting a few minutes with their primary care doctor and getting another prescription. People are truly looking to find ways to be more proactive and take responsibility for their health, focusing on wellness and prevention versus treating sickness and disease.  Why Become a Wellness Coach? By becoming a health coach, you can gain the knowledge and skills you need to give your client base wellness care. Because this form of health care is in high demand, you can add great value to your business. Whether you’re a nurse, massage therapist, personal trainer, palates instructor or lay person who is looking for a new career in the wellness industry, here’s how becoming a wellness coach can boost your business. Meet Demands, Stand Out You’ve likely heard the term “wellness coach” a lot these days, and there’s a reason why. Instead of disease management, wellness coaches work to prevent health problems altogether. They work to educate their clients, so prevention becomes a part of their daily lifestyle. Issues like high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity can easily be prevented if given the right guidance and health goals, which is why more and more people are turning to wellness coaches as a preventive solution. Providing wellness coaching will help you meet the rising demands of clientele who want more out of their health care. Consider the fact that less than 3% of doctor visits are spent on discussing nutrition. When you make education and goal-setting a part of your practice, your clientele will notice. For example, it isn’t difficult for someone to find a personal trainer in their area. But when a personal trainer completes a wellness-coaching course, they will automatically stand out from their competitors. Clients will not only receive great personal training, but they’ll also receive professional guidance on how to better take care of their body as a whole. Expand Your Reach Another way becoming a wellness coach can boost your business is through appealing to broader audiences. Due to the fact that wellness coaching incorporates several different disciplines like Understanding Your Body Systems & Functions, Education on the Science of Nutritional Supplementation and more, you will be able to expand your reach beyond your normal client base. Someone who normally wouldn’t consider going to a nutritionist might decide to use your services when they find out that you’re also a wellness coach. In addition to helping with their nutritional needs, you’ll be able to provide educational tools on the basic principles of naturopathy, helping them to discover the root cause of disease and set goals in other areas of their overall health. When you cover multiple bases in the health care sphere, you will appeal to more people who aren’t looking for just one thing. Ultimately, becoming a wellness coach is not just an opportunity for you to boost your business, it’s also a way to benefit your existing client base. Becoming a trained wellness coach not only shows that you’re interested in remaining up-to-date about health care and wellness, it also show that you truly care about your clients’ well-being. If you’re interested in gaining the skills and confidence to improve the lives of others, consider joining our coaching program. We can help educate and connect you with others who share your passion for helping people thrive.
By Market America WebCenters October 7, 2015
We unfortunately live in a society where what we eat isn’t at the top of our priority list, but it should be. All too often, large portions of the population will frequent fast food restaurants or eat a frozen dinner at home, in place of a well-balanced meal. Everyone knows that these processed foods are unhealthy, but many don’t understand just how detrimental they can be to your overall health. Fortunately, there is a way to counteract the impact that processed foods have on the body: a low-glycemic diet, which restores blood sugar balance.  What Effects Do Processed Foods Have on the Body? Not only can processed foods cause you to gain weight, but they can also have a negative impact on your metabolism. When you eat junk food, your muscles lose their ability to oxidize glucose. This means that whenever you eat, your body has a more difficult time dumping the unnecessary glucose and processing important fibers. This process can take effect only after five days of eating processed foods, which can ultimately lead to insulin resistance, more commonly known as Diabetes. Even just one processed meal can have a negative impact on your overall health. Your blood-sugar levels can spike, tissues become inflamed, blood vessels constrict, and your blood pressure can rise, just to name a few. And due to this spike and sudden drop in insulin, you could feel hungry more often, thus creating a vicious cycle of unhealthy eating habits. How Can I Counteract This Impact? With a low-glycemic diet, you can encourage the reversal of the impact of processed foods and the affect they have had on your body. After more than 30 years of research, it has been shown that low-glycemic diets can support healthy weight management, reduce large fluctuations in the body’s blood sugar, the risk of developing diabetes and the risk of metabolic syndrome. Eating low glycemic foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and healthy fats can keep your blood sugar levels stable all day long. This allows your body to focus on losing fat while maintaining lean muscle. But the best part is, you don’t have to worry about counting calories or abiding by certain food restrictions. Another benefit to eating this way is that you won’t be hungry as often, and like most people report, you could have more energy and improved brain function. What Challenges Might I Face with a Low-Glycemic Diet? When people have gone years with unhealthy eating habits, it can be difficult to break the patterns and cravings that come with eating processed foods, due to the imbalance in blood sugar levels. This is where supplements can play a key role in reducing cravings for sugars and junk food, while also helping to repair the damaging effects. For example, increasing your chromium intake can help support healthy and normal blood sugar levels, which would improve the way your body uses insulin. I like to keep specific supplements in my cabinet, to help maximize the efforts of a low-glycemic diet. What’s in Dr. Sheryl’s Cabinet? Like chromium, there are supplements out there that can encourage the decrease of blood sugar levels, which would restore balance to your body. Here are some of the supplements that I would suggest for someone with high blood sugar levels.
Abdominal pain and discomfort
By Market America WebCenters September 23, 2015
Are you not feeling like yourself? Perhaps you have bloating or cramps, are always tired, have sensitivities to certain foods, or suffer from headaches and overall body pain. Any combination of these symptoms can get you down and make it difficult to get out of bed in the morning. If this describes how you feel, you could have a leaky gut. Many suffer from leaky gut symptoms but can’t pinpoint the root cause, which is why I want to answer the most common questions about Leaky Gut Syndrome. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? After you eat food, your body absorbs the proper nutrients through your small intestine. When your gut is healthy, it is designed with cells that line up like a watertight fence so that only what should cross the barrier, is allowed to cross. However, with Leaky Gut Syndrome, antigens can leak through these walls by way of inflammation. Antigens are proteins that are seen as “foreign invaders,” and when they come in contact with your bloodstream, your immune system can get confused. When this happens, your immune system and white blood cells can attack themselves, causing those horrible symptoms we mentioned earlier, and even lead to an auto-immune disease. These diseases can include: Hashimoto’s (thyroid disease), multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, alopecia (loss of hair) or vitiligo (loss of skin pigment). Why Does It Happen? If you have sensitivities to certain foods, like glutens in grains (wheat, spelt, rye, barley) and casein found in dairy (even lactose-free), the proteins in these foods can actually cause irritation in your gut and intestines. When irritation occurs, that “wall” in your small intestines can actually weaken, allowing for the antigens to enter the bloodstream. The proteins in these foods can actually cause irritation in your gut and intestines. When irritation occurs, that “wall” in your small intestines can actually weaken, allowing for the antigens to enter the bloodstream. Because of this, the irritation in your gut can worsen, making your symptoms more severe. If the issue continues unattended, it is possible that this can develop into an autoimmune disease, which can make you ill. Is There Anything I Can Do? Yes! The study of naturopathic wellness suggests that by taking the proper supplements, you can encourage your body to become balanced once again. For instance, L-glutamine can be beneficial when trying to repair your inflamed intestines, as it an essential amino acid, fueling the cells of the small intestine. Other supplements such as aloe juice, digestive enzymes and probiotics can also promote self-healing with Leaky Gut Syndrome. Be mindful of the dosage, as well as the brand you take, as some over the counter supplements can do you more harm than good. The products in my cabinet are from a health professional line of advanced nutraceutical supplements, called nutraMextrix®, which are formulated using the latest researched ingredients and industry-leading best practices. What’s in Dr. Sheryl’s Cabinet?
By Market America WebCenters July 31, 2012
One of the most important steps we can take to immediately improve our overall health is to learn about detoxifying our bodies. At the root of so many of our diseases and health challenges is a DIRTY COLON! The post Body Cleansing appeared first on Institute of Naturopathic Wellness.
By Market America WebCenters July 31, 2012
Contrary to the ads of many anti aging skin treatment products, you can’t technically stop the aging process. But you can slow it down! Here are some of the best anti aging tips for accomplishing that mission of becoming younger looking: The post Look Young and Healthy appeared first on Institute of Naturopathic Wellness.
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