Tired of Taking Vitamins and Not Noticing a Difference?

Watch this short video to learn about a powerful delivery system, why it works and what I personally take for my own daily regimen as a foundation for wellness.

Tablet Delivery System

  • Many tablet vitamins contain binders and fillers
  • X Rays show them exiting out of the colon completely undigested 
  • Some formulas contain unwanted toxic chemicals like hydrogenated oils, food dyes and talc powder 
  • As we age we produce less hydrochloric acid which makes more and more difficult to break down tablets. 
  • Many people report feeling nauseous after taking tablets.
  • In the time it takes for tablets to dissolve much of their nutrient value is lost.   

Isotonix Delivery System

  • In order for a substance to be absorbed and used in the body’s metabolism, it must be transported in an isotonic state. 
  • Isotonix supplements are delivered in an isotonic solution.
  • The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream by up to 95%.
  • Isotonix formulas are the fastest and most effective way to  receive vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

What's In My Cabinet

 Isotonix Daily Essentials

nutraMetrix- Isotonix Packets

Four ESSENTIAL Formulas

 Isotonix OPC-3® - The most powerful antioxidant 

  • Helps maintain healthy cholesterol
  • blood glucose levels
  • healthy circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries and veins
  • Promotes healthy blood vessel dilation

Isotonix® Multivitamin

  • Contains 100% or more of the Recommended Daily essential vitamins & minerals.

Isotonix® Calcium Complete -

  • Essential for maintaining strong bones, healthy teeth and gums 

Isotonix® Activated B-Complex

  • With the active forms of vitamins B6 & B12 & folic acid

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